7 Must Have's For Travelling With The Kids

Travelling is a tangled mix of excitement, organisation, anticipation and chaos - add a child (or children!) into the mix and everything is amplified exponentially.  Whether it be a big overseas trip, interstate to visit the relatives or to the…

Travelling is a tangled mix of excitement, organisation, anticipation and chaos - add a child (or children!) into the mix and everything is amplified exponentially.  Whether it be a big overseas trip, interstate to visit the relatives or to the coast for the long weekend we've learned a few things over the years to reduce the stress of travelling with kids.  Because we believe you shouldn't have to miss out on some great family time away, we've compiled a quick list of travel must have's to help you get your foot out the door a little easier.



Ziplock Bags

This little multi-solution wonder is not only lightweight and small, but can also be used for a whole range of things such as storage for smaller toys, snack bags, toiletries bags, garbage bags to provide a solution for one kid-mergency after the other.

Biome do cute reusable zip-lock bags, so you can use them over and over again!


Travel Nappy Bags

Even if your kids have out-grown nappies and are just as toilet trained as you are... stick with me here...  Scented nappy bags are great for storing dirty towels and clothes.  When we're travelling we can't always get to a washing machine right away, so these are a great little solution to store these items and stop the smell and damp seeping into the rest of our luggage.

Wotnot do a great recyclable nappy bag.  You can find them here.


Hand Sanitizer

No matter our holiday destination, chances are we're going to be chasing the kids around a playground - whether it be purpose built or makeshift, which is an all too common place to pick up germs. Hand Sani is a great and fast solution for a quick spritz to rid of any germs us and the kids pick up on the way.



How many times have we heard it...?   "IIIIIIMMMM HUUUNGRRRYYYY."  Especially when the kids are getting restless in the back of the car.  Pack a few yummy and healthy treats to help curb the appetite and keep you on the move and to avoid too many unplanned snack stops.

Don't forget to also pack yourself something nice! Us parents get hungry too!


Travel Towel

Kids and spills go together like ham and cheese.  Pack yourself a kitchen towel or something compact and absorbent like a camping towel.  These have the benefit of drying faster than a regular hand towel.  You can find great ones by kathmandu here.


First Aid Kit

These can be an easy DIY project to put together at home.  Make it fun and pick the kids favourite colours and themed bandaids for all of those unexpected bumps and cuts while you're away.


Games and Activities

The obvious no-brainer.  Keep the kids occupied and stimulated while you're away with their favourite games and activities.  Things like colouring in, reading, stickers, cards and board games are always great and keeps their brains active!

You could even improvise and join in with age old favourites like the egg and spoon race and duck duck goose!