Red Hill Community Kindergarten

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At Lady Gowrie Red Hill Kindergarten we are committed to supporting the safety and wellbeing of children at all times, and this also includes consistently supporting them in their understandings of personal safety.

For the third year in a row, we have partnered again with local organisation Hands-On-Art (which has been running local community art programs and events since 1985) to provide creative workshops here with our kindergarten groups linked to National Child Protection Week.

Whilst concepts relating to feelings and safety are consistently embedded into our everyday interactions and intentional teaching, this year the children created kingfisher birds in the specialised workshop. Their birds also included each child’s personal message about what it means to feel safe.

The kingfisher birds were selected by Hands-On-Art to symbolise community. Just as birds travel in flocks, flocks are like a community – they all work together to keep the flock safe. 

Thankyou to Channel Nine news for also recognising this important week and filming us for a segment to broadcast to the wider community.

Children thrive in safe and supported communities.

Child protection is everyone’s business!